Thought for the Week 26 January 2025

Our scripture text today from 1 Corinthians 12: 12-31 calls us to consider how we can function as one body (the body of Christ) while facing the reality of our very real differences. How can we get unity from diversity? The Corinthian church was made up of very diverse groups; Jews and gentiles, slaves and free, rich and poor and, we can presume because this was a cosmopolitan trade city, people of many ethnicities. And they didn’t always get along!
The one thing they had in common was they had experienced the love and power of Jesus to save them. The answer Paul gives is to not gloss over our differences- these are real and can be problematic- but he points us towards humility. All the parts of the body are important, all belong and all have their purpose. The spirit of our age, especially expressed in politics, seems to be towards the rejection of diversity in favour forcing everyone into the same mould. But how does that square with the gospel?
Next Sunday is the final of our combined summer series services at Trinity and we are scheduled to return to our normal pattern of two services on the 9th of Feb. However, with the departure of the Grant family and only having one minister this places some urgency on settling our one site decision. To address this, parish council will call one more congregation forum (likely mid-late Feb) ahead of a decision. This will be advised next week.
Nga manaakitanga ki a koutou katoa (Blessings to all)
Categories: Thought for the week