Weekly Services
Traditional Worship
22 College Road
Sunday 9:30am
Contemporary Worship
St. Stephen’s
349 Wai-iti Road
Sunday 10:30am
Monthly Services
Journey 21
CBay car park
Te Weka Street
3rd Sunday of the month
22 College Road
Sunday 9:30am
St. Stephen’s
349 Wai-iti Road
Sunday 10:30am
CBay car park
Te Weka Street
3rd Sunday of the month
Timaru Presbyterian Community Outreach Play and Learn for preschoolers 9.30 – 11am Gold coin donation Bring a healthy snack for your child. Morning tea for carers supplied
Event InformationChristmas Eve Heiligabend: (Holy Night) 6pm, Trinity Chapel, Candlelit Carols: 11.30pm. Trinity, 22 College Rd Christmas Day: 10.30am Worship St Stephens, 349 Wai-iti Rd Summer Worship Series: Sundays 29th December to 2 February, 10am Trinity, 22 College Road.
Event InformationBoy’s Brigade Meets Mondays in the Hall, 22 College Road. For boys in 5-17 years 6.00pm – 7:30pm Contact: Fiona 688 0375 or 0211702930
Event InformationEvery Tuesday we gather for prayer and worship in Room 2 Trinity Community Centre from 9-9:30am. Maybe you have a heart for prayer and you have been praying for years, or maybe you spirit is being stirred to try something new. All are welcome! Come and join us as we come before the Lord in […]
Event InformationMusic and movement for pre-schoolers in the Parkside community. Come and join us in the Trinity Community Centre, every Tuesday in term time, 10-11am. We provide music and movement, followed by play-time, morning tea, and a chance to get to know other families in your community.
Event InformationWe have a small group of members, but still enjoy the activities available: Indoor Bowls Cards Monopoly Painting. We would like to increase membership, and invite people to come for a look at our activities and stay for afternoon tea. Contact: Marian Sawers ph 684 4351
Event InformationGirl’s Brigade Meets Tuesdays in the Hall, 22 College Road. 5-17 Years 6.00pm – 7.30pm Contact: Fiona 688 0375 or 0211702930
Event InformationNormally Third Wednesday each month at St Stephens, 7-8.30pm. Contact Brent for more information 03 686 1382
Event InformationJourney 21 is where people gather and walk together to a place on Caroline Bay for a short time of readings and reflections relevant to the world we live in and then adjourn to C-Bay Cafe for coffee. The idea of journeying together in the 21st century is at the centre of this and being […]
Event InformationOn the first Sunday every month we raise money through Trinity & St Stephens Bucket Mission, for a selected project. Put your money aside and bring it along on the first Sunday every month. Projects we are supporting this year 2024 are: January-February – Red Cross Humanitarian aid in Gaza. March – Child Rescue April […]
Event Information