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Thought For The Week 22 December 2024

Welcome to this very special combined service celebrating the ministry of Rev Rory Grant and his family over the past 13 years. His move to Clevedon in the new year marks the end of an era for TPP.

He arrived as a freshly minted minister out of the KCML internship programme and leaves as an experienced minister shaped and formed by this parish. This has included many challenging situations; the demolition of St Paul’s and the sale of Chalmers after the Canterbury earthquakes; the Covid pandemic and his fair share of personal tragedies have contributed to making him the man of God he is today. There have been plenty of highlights over the years as well; youth camps, children’s holiday programmes, weddings, baptisms and the celebration of faithful saints departed.

I have had the privilege of working with Rory over the past 8 years and I am very thankful for all I have learned from him. For the many hours spent working on common projects and chewing the fat as we sought to lead this parish in fruitful mission. He and Andrea will leave an enormous hole in both our Church and hearts.

I’m sure I speak for us all in saying that we wish the Grant’s all God’s richest blessing as they follow him into a new chapter. We send our love and best wishes for them and pray that the transition to a new parish will be filled with expectations met and the joy of new beginnings.

Nga manaakitanga ki a koutou katoa (Blessings to all)

Bremt Richardson

Categories: Thought for the week