Central Office: 349 Wai-iti Road, Timaru, 7910  Phone: 03 686 0981       Email: oneoffice@timarupres.org.nz

Weekly Notices 15 December 2024

Mission Group:  For the last six weeks  our Harvest Tables have raised $266.10 for the SPCA.  From today, and for the holiday period,  Harvest Tables will be collecting funds for the  Hospice. The Mission Group would like to thank you all for your support and generosity over this past year.

Christmas Carols in the Gardens

Thursday 19 December 7pm free  admission. Featuring Timaru Alpine Brass Band & St Mary’s Choir. Join us at the Rotunda Timaru Botanic Gardens. BYO seating.  Wet Weather Venue: Trinity Hall, 22 College Rd.  Timaru Christian Ministers Association

Blue Christmas:

Join us in the Trinity Chapel for a

Remembrance Service on Sunday 15, Dec 2.00pm. Bring along a flower.

Timaru Hospital Carols

Mon 16 Dec, 6:30pm. Meet in the hospital chapel.  Come and join our Community Carols’ Sing-a-long as we sing our way around Timaru Hospital. All staff, family members, friends, including people of all ages, are warmly invited to attend this special time as we bring the joy of Christmas to the hospital. Costumes are welcome!! Please spread the word!!  Light refreshments are served in the hospital cafeteria at the end of the evening.       Queries to the Reverend Alan, Hospital Chaplain. 027 630 7629.

Church Office Closed:  3pm on Friday 20 December 2024 and reopens at 9am on Tuesday 21 January 2025.

Help needed for the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service:

Rory needs some help with the Christmas Eve candlelight service.

Could you please let him know if:

  • You can help set up the church at 9am on Monday 23 December.
  • You would like to take a reading during the service.
  • You can help serve cake & sherry after the service.  Thanks

Mission Group:

Next Sunday will be the last day for the Women’s Refuge Collection. Please put your gift in one of the boxes provided in our church foyers. The Women’s Refuge also welcomes vouchers, swim passes, children’s toys and colouring books etc

Journey 21—No Journey 21 in December. 

The next date will be Sunday 19 January.

Meet C-Bay carpark, 9am.  All welcome.

Contact: Ellen ph 027 772 3146.

Mission Magazine Updates:  

Check out the magazine holder in Foyers for the latest.  Feel free to take and read.

à Leprosy Mission 2024 Christmas  Catalogue

à Leprosy Mission

à Choose Gifts of Hope CWS

à Theology @ Otago 2025

à Samaritans Purse Gifts of Joy GiftCatalogue

Services for December 2024, January and February 2025:

Dec  15   9.30am               Worship at Trinity

10.30am             Worship at St Stephens

                 2.00pm                Blue Christmas at Trinity Chapel

Dec 22 10.30am                  St Stephens Combined Service followed by a BBQ                                                   lunch to Farewell Rory and Andrea Grant

Dec 24 6.00pm                   Christmas Eve Heiligabend Service at Trinity                                                            Chapel

                                               11.30pm             Christmas Carols at Trinity                                                                                            Church

Dec 25 10.30am             Christmas Day Family Service at St Stephens

Dec 29 10.00am             Combined Summer Series at Trinity Church

Jan 05  10.00am             Combined Summer Series at Trinity Church

Jan 12  10.00am             Combined Summer Series at Trinity Church

Jan 19  10.00am             Combined Summer Series at Trinity Church

Jan 26  10.00am             Combined Summer Series at Trinity Church

Feb 02  10.00am             Combined Summer Series at Trinity Church

Christian Superstore:  The website:  ChristianSuperstore.co.nz  is an online shop for what is available within their Cantabrian stores.

Live Streaming:  10.30am service at St Stephens

Giving  Everything that we have is a gift from God.

You can contribute financially in the following ways:

  • Cash or envelope in the offering plate, thanks.
  • Automatic Payment or internet banking – Acc no: 03-1714-0405434-01

Please use either your name or Envelope number as a reference.

Or if you have any queries, please email us at:  finance@timarupres.org.nz

Need more Offering Envelopes?  Contact the church office 686 0981

Categories: Weekly Notices