Weekly Notices 13 October 2024

The Mission Group would like to thank all the generous contributors to last Sunday’s Bucket Mission. We raised $345.30 to assist with the postage of Operation Christmas Child boxes – this amount equates to the postage of approximately 28 boxes.
Upcoming Dates and Combined Worship:
25 October – Deadline for written feedback on the plan for Parish Council’s consideration.
24 November at 10.30am at St Stephens Congregational meeting to approve the long term vision.
Parish Council invites you to an informal chat about the Long Term Vision over a cuppa
à 13 Oct at Trinity Chapel 3-4pm
à 20 Oct at St Stephens Foyer 3-4pm
Sister Eveleen Retreat House may need you!!
Vacancy for a Live-In Host Interested in serving God through the gift of hospitality??
We have a vacancy for a Live-in Retreat House Host (RHH), paid 10 hours a week, accommodation provided. The RHH works with the Director to provide a hospitable welcome to guests and a presence at the house when the Director has left for the day. Please see our website for more info or get in touch with us: enquiry@sistereretreat.com
Timaru Presbyterian Women’s Lunch Group:
The monthly meeting will be held on Wednesday 16 October at the Wai-iti Road Worship Centre starting at 12.30pm with a shared Lunch. Sales Table. Please support this table as by doing so we can help others. Members to bring along a photo of a memory to share.
Apologies or rides please contact Dianne 686 0440, Dawn 686 0595, Robyn 688 1948.
New World Stickers:
The final day to receive stickers from New World is today, 13 October with two weeks longer to redeem the containers, so please drop your stickers off to the Church Foyers soon.
The response has been amazing as usual—many thanks to everyone.
Plant Sale Total: As at 3 October 2024 the total raised from the Plant Sale is $7,244.41.
Journey 21:
Meet C-Bay carpark, 9am, Sunday 20 October. The theme for October is ‘The Role of Religion in Climate Change’. All welcome.
Contact: Ellen ph 027 772 3146.
Thank you to all those who helped pick, bunch & sell the daffodils with Pat. They raised $1057.20 for Hospice. Great Effort.
Keep up to date with the latest information on our website: www.timarupres.org.nz
Christian Superstore:
The website: ChristianSuperstore.co.nz is an online shop for what is available within our Cantabrian stores.
All users of our Churches, Hall, Foyer, Lounge and Rooms at St Stephens and Trinity:
If you are the last person in your group to use the rooms, please make sure that the lights and heaters/heat pumps are turned off, and all the windows are closed, including those in the toilets. Thank you.
The Community Club:
Tuesdays, 1.30-3.30pm at St Stephens for Cards 500 and Indoor Bowls. New members welcome. Contact: Marian ph 684 4351 or Dorothy ph 686 2265.
Hire of Halls and Rooms:
We have slots available on a number of days at both Trinity and St Stephens. For more information please phone the Church Office on 686 0981 or email: oneoffice@timarupres.org.nz
Live Streaming: 10.30am service at St Stephens
Giving Everything that we have is a gift from God.
You can contribute financially in the following ways:
- Cash or envelope in the offering plate, thanks.
- Automatic Payment or internet banking – Acc no: 03-1714-0405434-01
Please use either your name or Envelope number as a reference.
Or if you have any queries, please email us at: finance@timarupres.org.nz
Need more Offering Envelopes? Contact the church office 686 0981
Categories: Weekly Notices