Thought For The Week 29 September 2024

Welcome to our special combined service today. We will be creating space in this service to discuss the significant proposal outlined in our Long Term Vision paper. The aim of this vision is to set our parish on a sustainable footing and growth path for the next 10 years. Your participation in this discussion is vital and appreciated.
The parish council has spent significant time in prayer and discussion and are confident this proposal will achieve the outcomes we are seeking, but only with your broad support will we achieve these outcomes.
Our discussion will focus on the 3 phases of the vision plan outlined; 6 months, 1-2 years and 5+ years. We will also go through the frequently asked questions (see bulletin insert) and take any other questions that may arise.
In the past our parish has gone through significant changes which have been challenging and have required flexibility and grace from our members. The past 8 years have been a very stable and settled period for us but once again we need to make courageous decisions to ensure we have a church to hand to the next generation. I personally believe our Long Term Vision offers a positive and hopeful future. I look forward to our discussion today.
Coming up: We are in a busy season of combined services and on 13 October we will once again combine at Trinity for a communion service led by Luke Blackbeard as part of his assessment towards completing his internship. This is known as the ‘crit service’ and will be assessed by Margaret Van Ginkel, representing the presbytery. Rory and I will be attending a national church hui at Ohope on behalf of Alpine Presbytery that weekend.
Nga mihi nui,
Categories: Thought for the week