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Thought for The Week 26 May 2024

Today we welcome Andrea Grant to our pulpits as she concludes our Ordinary people, Extraordinary God series exploring the life of Mary  Magdalene, a key figure in the gospel story. I hope you have enjoyed this series as much as I have; as ordinary people we seek to live extraordinary lives through the relationship we have with Jesus and the in-filling of the Holy Spirit. God works in and through us, taking us beyond our human limitations to achieve far more for God than we could imagine. This is both a scary and thrilling thought!

We also conclude our pre-service prayer meetings this week praying about the future direction of our parish, specifically if it is time to concentrate our worship life on one site and if it is time to actively engage in building/planting a new work that connects with those on the fringes of our life. Thankyou to those who have participated in these prayer times or in other ways have provided feedback on these issues. I am   encouraged by the thoughtfulness many have expressed to me as we grapple with very challenging issues which have no simple answers. Next Sunday we will present a summary of what we have heard and where this might lead us.

Last weekend I had the privilege of attending the National Assessment Weekend in Auckland where candidates for ministry are assessed for their calling and suitability. While there were only 3 candidates this year it was pleasing to see they were all in their 30s and were high calibre people.

Nga manaakitanga ki a koutou katoa (Blessings to all)


Categories: Thought for the week