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Thought For the week 19 May 2024

Tēnā koutou katoa

Over the years I have used a number of objects in church in an effort to try and give a sense of the celebration of Pentecost. Orange, red, and yellow balloons. A birthday cake for the church. An oscillating fan. These crepe paper strands on the end of pews signifying flames. A ping pong ball suspended in the air through the blast of a hair dryer! Trying, inadequately, to point towards something beyond words.

In the Acts of the Apostles we hear how the disciples have gathered and they have this experience that has been described as, like the sound of a rush of wind, and, like tongues of fire amongst them. They have the experience of the power of the Holy  Spirit flooding their beings. Those disheartened are renewed – prodded into life and enabled by the Holy Spirit which transforms them again and makes them bold. Jesus’ promise to them has been dramatically fulfilled.

The Holy Spirit is the presence of God for all of us, not just for those early disciples. The Holy Spirit is our help, our guidance, our counsel, and our comfort. The way of the Spirit is mysterious and blows where it wills. It is experienced in a variety of ways.

The resurrection brought hope and new life to the disciples. They were lifted out of the experience and grief of Good Friday and given a sense of a new and profound   understanding and experience of the divine. Yet it was Pentecost that energised them, set them on fire. They were empowered and amazing things were made possible.

At times, life in the church can be challenging and we have our disappointments. We seek to live in the ways of Jesus but sometimes we stumble. Our celebration of    Pentecost holds out to us the promise of new possibilities. Of being energised and empowered as the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit stimulates and enables us. Let us hold on to that promise, be open to the work of the Holy Spirit, and seek to serve our God in this time and place.

Rose                     Right Rev Rose Luxford

Moderator Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand



Categories: Thought for the week