Weekly Notices 28 May 2023

Mission Project: for June is raising funds for World Vision, 40 hour Challenge. Please put your coins aside and bring along next Sunday 4 June and join in our bucket of fun.
Winter Services at Trinity: Will be held in Trinity Chapel at 9.30am from 11 June until 27 August.
Alpine Presbytery Newsletter: Keep up to date on what is happening in our Alpine Presbytery. A few copies of the Newsletter are being placed on the table in Foyers each week. Pick up a copy, you might find something of interest in it. If you are not on our email list and would like a copy emailed, please contact our office, phone 686 0981.
You are invited to Nosh & Natter:
When: 6pm Monday Nights @ St Stephens Lounge
Why: It’s good to meet with others for food and conversation
What: Bring yourself
Bring the Nosh – your evening meal
Bring the Natter – Join in the conversation.
Contact: Janie ph/text 021 0279 3076 A text is better than leaving a phone
Rhythm Kids: Meets at Trinity Hall every Tuesday during the school term from 10.00am—11.00am.
Contact Helen 684 6403 or 021 768 973.
Plant Sale Saturday 16 September: At St Stephens. Now is the time to pot up those plants. Look around your gardens to find cuttings to pot up as they need roots. Contact Murray 686 1629.
Daily Devotionals: Pick up your copy today from the Foyers:
- The Word for you
- The Word for you Today
- Our Daily Bread
Link Deadline: Please send copy for the June/July Link to:
link@timarupres.org.nz or drop into the Church Office by Friday 9 June.
Your End of year Receipts: Please collect from the Church Office, 349 Wai-iti Road.
Interested in studying Theology? The Theology Programme at the University of Otago offers a wide range of papers and qualifications, all available via distance learning. For further information go to www.otago.ac.nz/theology or ph 0800 80 80 98 or 03 479 8639 See
https://tinyurl.com/theologyotagovideo for a brief video or find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/theologyotago.
Details about our Semester 2 papers are available here: https://www.otago.ac.nz/theology/study/papers/index.html#second-semester
Keep up to date with the latest information on our website: www.timarupres.org.nz
Giving Everything that we have is a gift from God.
You can contribute financially in the following ways:
- Cash or envelope in the offering plate, thanks.
- Automatic Payment or internet banking – Acc no: 03-1714-0405434-01
Please use either your name or Envelope number as a reference.
Or if you have any queries, please email us at: finance@timarupres.org.nz
Need more Offering Envelopes? Contact the church office 686 0981
Christian Superstore Timaru, 102 Stafford Street, Timaru: They have a great range of books available for adults and children plus numerous Bibles for Children, Bible covers and large print Bibles. Also a great range of ceramic mugs at special prices that make a great gift for a loved one or a friend.
Contact us by: ph: 688 3431 fb “Christian Superstore Timaru” OR Email: timarucbs@maxnet.co.nz
ChristianSuperstore.co.nz is our online shop for what we have available within our Cantabrian stores.” The volunteers at your local Christian Bookshop look forward to seeing you soon.
Bible Society Cheese-roll fund raiser: We will make our favourite cheese-rolls again this winter. Delivery will be on Sunday 18 June and Sunday 2July. We will make them on Saturday 17June and Saturday 1 July. As the price of cheese and bread went up we are selling them White & Brown bread for $7 a doz, 4 doz for $25 Molenberg Bread 1 doz for $8, 4 doz for $30 Please order them in church or from Evi (phone 684 5399, email mama@newfrankland.org) or through the office.
Need personal prayer?
TPP Prayer Chain Branches: Rosalie 684 5878, Heather 684 3847, or Marj 684 4953. All requests confidential.
Changes of Address etc: Please advise the church office of any changes.
Categories: Weekly Notices