Weekly Notices 21 May 2023

Community lunch: Tuesday 23 May 12noon at St Stephens Church Hall. $12 for a two course meal. Contact:Bev ph 686 0858, Sid ph 684 43478 or the Church Office ph 686-0981
Your End of year Receipts: Please collect from the Church Office, 349 Wai-iti Road
Working bee!: End of Autumn Garden Tidy, at St Stephens. Join us for a pizza lunch followed by a couple of hours trimming the gardens around the church and hall . (koha for pizza welcomed). When: 12pm Saturday 27 May BYO: Garden gloves and tools. For Pizza numbers let the office know that you’re planning to come.
Zumba: Gold Exercise Group: Meets Wednesdays 1pm to 2pm at St Stephens Hall. Contact: Gisell ph 021 022 87049.
Mission Magazine Updates: Check out the magazine holder in Foyers for the latest
Feel free to take and read.
- Radio Rhema
- The Leprosy Mission “In Touch”
- Barnabas Aid
Boys & Girls Brigade: Kindling available all year round, for sale $10 a sack. Contact Fiona 688 0375 or see me at church.
Trinity Community Garden needs you!!!! We need people to take a turn to be at the gardens on a Tuesday 3.30pm and 9.30am on a Saturday morning. Weeding, planting, watering are the tasks and as we develop more garden beds, to help with the work and, we just need a few people to give 90 minutes of their time once a month!!! Contact Helen if you can help ph 021 768 973.
Yoga for Seniors on Chairs: This ‘not on the floor’ exercise programme meets each Thursday at 2pm in Room 1 at Trinity. This is for men and women. $3.00 donation to assist with expenses is appreciated. Would you like to attend these classes? Or for more information, please contact Helen ph 684 6403 or 021 768 973.
Mission Group: Buy and Supply has now finished for the season and will resume later in the year. An amazing sum of $382.00 was raised for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter Service from our two tables. Thank you for your loyal support.
Winter Services at Trinity: Will be held in Trinity Chapel at 9.30am from 11 June until 27 August.
Keep up to date with the latest information on our website: www.timarupres.org.nz
Christian Superstore Timaru, 102 Stafford Street, Timaru:
They have a great range of books available for adults and children plus numerous
Bibles for Children, Bible covers and large print Bibles.
Also a great range of ceramic mugs at special prices that make
a great gift for a loved one or a friend.
Contact us by: ph: 688 3431 fb “Christian Superstore Timaru” OR Email: timarucbs@maxnet.co.nz
ChristianSuperstore.co.nz is our online shop for what we have available within our Cantabrian stores.”
The volunteers at your local Christian Bookshop look forward to seeing you soon
Nosh & Natter
When: 6pm on Monday Nights
Where: 349 Wai-iti Road, Timaru, St Stephen’s Presbyterian Church Lounge
Why: It’s good to meet with others for food and conversation
What: Bring yourself
Bring the Nosh – Your evening meal
Bring the Natter – Join in the conversation.
Contact: Janie ph 021 0279 3076. A text is better than leaving a phone message. You’re welcome to join us!
Giving Everything that we have is a gift from God.
You can contribute financially in the following ways:
- Cash or envelope in the offering plate, thanks.
- Automatic Payment or internet banking – Acc no: 03-1714-0405434-01
Please use either your name or Envelope number as a reference.
Or if you have any queries, please email us at: finance@timarupres.org.nz
Need more Offering Envelopes? Contact the church office 686 0981
Categories: Weekly Notices