Weekly Notices 23 October 2022
Jam Session: Please note change of Date—we will now meet on Wednesday, 26 October 7pm‑8.30pm at St Stephens. If you play an instrument and would like to play in the music group, come along. Contact: Brent ph 686 1382.
Community Lunch: Tuesday 25 October St Stephens Hall 12 noon Cost $10 for 2 course meal payable at the Door. To reserve your place Ph Bev 686 0858, Sid 684 3478 or the Office 686 0981.
Daily Devotionals: Still a few booklets of the latest daily devotions, on the table in Foyers.
- The Word for Today
- The Word for you Today (Youth)
Yoga for Seniors on Chairs: This ‘not on the floor’ exercise programme meets each Thursday at 2pm in Room 1 at Trinity. This is for men and women. $3.00 donation to assist with expenses is appreciated. Would you like to attend these classes? Or for more information, please contact Helen ph 684 6403 or 021 768 973.
Link Deadline: Please send copy for the November/December Link to:
link@timarupres.org.nz or drop into the Church Office by Friday 4 November.
Keep up to date with the latest information on our website: www.timarupres.org.nz
Rhythm Kids: Meets at Trinity Hall every Tuesday during the school term from 10.00am—11.00am. Contact Helen ph 684 6403 or 021 768 973.
Alpine Presbytery Newsletter: Keep up to date on what is happening in our Alpine Presbytery. A few copies of the Newsletter are being placed on the table in Foyers each week. Pick up a copy, you might find something of interest in it. If you are not on our email list and would like a copy emailed, please contact our office phone 686 0981.
Reminder Buy and Supply has started for the season, and currently we are raising funds for Christian World Service’s Pakistan Appeal, for those affected by disastrous floods.
Daffodil Pickers: A huge Thank You goes out to all those who helped with the picking, bunching and selling of daffodils from Pat Cartwrights property. Job well done to all. $600.50 raised.
Apologies for the AGM: If you have an apology for the AGM this must be in by the 2 November. Thank you.
Timaru Presbyterian Parish Annual Report 2021-22: Pick up a copy from Foyers in both churches.
Food Bank Items: Non-perishable food items are always a welcome donation.
Other suggestions from Family Works, are:
- Shampoo, conditioner & Deodorants, for both men and women.
- Hand cream and soap.
- Items for children’s lunches may include: budget biscuits, muesli bars and small packets of potato chips that come in a large bag that include several flavours.
- Spreads
- 750g or less blocks of cheese.
Live Streaming: 10.30am service at St Stephens.
Categories: Weekly Notices