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Thought for the Week 30 May 2021

In God every season has a purpose. This coming week we officially go into winter, A time when the cold slows everything down.  We see signs of nature taking a break all around us: our bare trees, animals hibernate and bulbs remaining dormant in the earth.

We too can be guided by the cycles in our creation and change our pace accordingly, Ps 46 v 10 Be still and know that I am God.

We are able to take time out and rest in God and reflect, maybe let go the things that are holding us from moving forward.  Winter can be a time to sit around a fire or heater and enjoy the company of family and friends.  It is time to gather strength and inspiration from one another.

Maybe you feel you are in the season of winter in your personal life– you are going through a rough time.

Remember God is there with you offering unconditional love and guiding out into the light.  The new growth of spring always follows the darkness of winter.

May you find peace, hope and love in this winter season.


Categories: Thought for the week