Thought Form The Week 13 December 2020
The theme for the third Sunday of Advent is joy and we have chosen this day to honour, celebrate and give thanks for the year. In particular we want to give thanks for the numerous acts of kindness and service offered as an expression of faith. The Church is not run by its ministers or hierarchy but by the individual members who offer their time, talents and abilities to God.
The human body with its various parts and functions is a fitting metaphor for how the church operates. Some roles are high profile and as such seen as more important, while others happen behind the scenes- you wouldn’t even know about them- until they stop! In truth, the church cannot function without you. Whether you are an office bearer or occasionally help out pouring cups of tea; whether you have a key role in making the Sunday service happen or you tend to the church garden please know that your service to the Lord doesn’t go un-noticed.
I am ministering at Pleasant Point today which is a part of my Interim Moderator role there. They are a congregation that have endured their share of difficulties and trials, especially since they had to leave their worship space due to it being under code for earthquake compliance. They are in the early stages of sharing a worship space with the local Anglican church while they discern their future as a parish.
Coming up: At St Stephen’s next Sunday I have the privilege of baptising John and Nancy McDade, a couple who, through the television ministry of Charles Stanley, wish to express their commitment to Christ through baptism. It will be a great joy to celebrate this milestone with them.
Categories: Thought for the week