Central Office: 349 Wai-iti Road, Timaru, 7910  Phone: 03 686 0981       Email: oneoffice@timarupres.org.nz

Weekly Notices June, 24 2018

Mission Project:  Bucket Mission and the Retiring Offering on the 8 July will be to   raise money to support 24/7 Youth Work at Mountainview High School.

Rhythm Kids:  Meets at Trinity Hall every Tuesday during the school term from 9.30am-10.30am. If you would like to be part of the team helping in various ways, then please contact Helen 684 6403 or   021 768 973 so that you can be included on the Roster. This is so much fun and you will enjoy yourself.

Winter Lunches:  Our next community Winter Lunch will be held on the 26 June at St Stephens Church hall starting at midday. If you would like to attend please contact, Bev Ph 686 1207, Carol Ph 688 8025 or Sid Ph 684 3478.  Cost of 2 course meal $7.

Zumba Gold Exercises: Do come along and enjoy exercise and fun. Wednesdays  weekly at St Stephen’s Hall at 1pm.

Presbyterian Support SC celebrates 100 years of service to our community at a Combined Church service, 1 July, 10am at Trinity Church. The Rt Rev Richard Dawson, Moderator of PCANZ, will speak on “Justice in Action: We say Yes!”  View displays & talk to staff from PSSC, in the Trinity Community Centre. A light lunch will be served. RSVP to PSSC admin ph 687 7945 or email:  admin@pssc.co.nz by 27 June if you intend joining us for lunch.  Everyone welcome.

Pop up Small Group Study on Care for Creation is continuing Thursday 28 June, 7pm at the manse, 347 Wai-iti Rd.

Boys & Girls Brigade:  Kindling for sale $10 a sack.  Contact Fiona 688 0375 or see me at church.

Annual Reports are due for the year ended 30 June 2018:  Please email your Annual Reports to the Church Office email:  oneoffice@timarupres.org.nz  or drop in copy, no later than Tuesday 2 July.

Bible Society Quiz—Sunday 15 July at 2pm: At the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Rathmore St, Timaru. Scripture portions to be studied are Genesis 12-18 and Galatians. Form a team of 3-4 people and come and have fun with us. Afternoon tea is provided. Cost: $5pp, under 16 free.   Contact Evi 684 5399 or Alexia Bensemann at the Christian Bookshop.

College Road Roster:  We need more  people to serve morning tea on Sundays July 8th (one), 22nd (two), 29th (one),     August 12th (one) and 19th (one).  If you can help please phone either Mollie ph  688 3355 or the Office ph 686 0981.

Bookings of Rooms in Both Complexes:  Please remember to check with the Office and book in your group before you advertise it.  This helps prevent double bookings.  Phone 686 0981.

Timaru Christian Superstore:, 102 Stafford Street, Timaru:  Some items of interest in our store: – Activity books with great      pictures etc.  AND  “are able to be copied for Ministry Purposes”.  These would be good for Sunday School, youth groups.  Under the BIG BOOK series.  New too are “Bible Poster Packs’.   Now winter is showing it’s  colder face, don’t forget we have a range of huggy mugs that are great with a nice warm soup inside.  (we don’t supply the soup).  I am impressed with the range of children’s books that we have    recently received.  Come and look.  Some have jigsaw puzzles in – just right for you and the grandchildren to do together while at the same time sharing the story.  We   also have a great range of books by NZ  Authors.  This is the biggest range that I can remember in shop.

General Assembly (GA18) Wed 3 October to Sun 7 October in Christchurch:  To know and experience the heart and soul of           Presbyterianism here in Aotearoa, your Church invites you to come and    participate.  It is a privilege to be involved at this level of our Church, be it as a    Commissioner, guest, volunteer, worker, runner or observer.  The General Assembly website:   http://ga2018.nz   is now live and they are ready to take registrations.   Additional information is also available on the website.  Register before 31 July to receive early bird registration fee.  Book  accommodation early.

There is an invitation for anyone interested in attending one of the days to contact the TPP Church Office and a car pool may be able to be set up.

The latest Grapevine Magazine is available for pickup in Foyers.

Keep up to date with the latest information on our website:  www.timarupres.org.nz

Giving  Everything that we have is a gift from God.

You can contribute financially in the following ways:

  • Cash, cheque or envelope in the offering plate, thanks.
  • Automatic Payment or internet banking – Acc no: 03-1714-0405434-01

Or if you have any queries, please email us at:  finance@timarupres.org.nz

Need more Offering Envelopes?  Contact the church office 686 0981

Categories: Weekly Notices