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Thought For The Week 2nd July, Brent

July is Bible month, a time to celebrate scripture and renew our love for God’s Word. Perhaps you follow a Bible reading plan, or use a daily devotional like “The Word for Today”, or “Our Daily Bread.”  Perhaps you like to stay up to date with the lectionary readings printed on the service sheet, or […]

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Thought For The Week 25th June Brent

Isn’t it good to see the work going on around our worship sites? It’s worth stopping to take stock of this: Trinity Hall Community centre: New roof going onto the kitchen and side rooms, corridor to fix the existing leaks. New super efficient LED lighting in the hall. These will be very bright but also […]

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The LINK June 2017

Editorial I have thoroughly enjoyed the Jubilee celebrations over Queen’s birthday weekend.  I know that I am far from alone in thanking Brent and Catherine and all of the myriad of people who contributed to such a wonderful series of events. One particular highlight for me was chatting with and hearing stories from the former […]

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