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Thought for the Week 28 May 2023

At this week’s Presbytery Council meeting our Moderator, Rev. Phyll    Harris, gave a devotion on Exodus 6:6-8. In these three short verses, through Moses, God  outlines his promises for the captive people of Israel.

There are three “I am” phrases: One at the beginning, one at the end, and one at the centre of the passage. As God’s people we are hemmed around in the presence of God who is in all and through all. God is with us always, and in all circumstances.

There are seven “I will” phrases:

I will bring you out from under the yoke (I will ease your burdens)

I will free you from slavery

I will redeem you

I will take you as my own people

I will be your God

I will bring your into the land I promised

I will give it to you

There is a trajectory here. A trajectory from hopeless servitude into a hope-filled future.

We may not face the same circumstances as the early Israelites, but we do share in the same promises: To be lifted out of hopelessness and offered a future filled with hope. And this change in circumstances (outlined by the first two and the last two    “I will” statements) revolves around the saving acts of God.

He will redeem us

He will make us his people

He will be our God.

This Pentecost, as we celebrate the Spirit’s presence among us, I pray that you are encouraged by the redeeming, saving, hope-filled promises of God.

Rory Grant


Categories: Thought for the week