Central Office: 349 Wai-iti Road, Timaru, 7910  Phone: 03 686 0981       Email: oneoffice@timarupres.org.nz

Weekly Notices 4 December 2022

Mission Project: Today, we are raising funds for the Christmas Angels with Family Works.  Please place your money in the bucket, and join in the bucket of fun. Thank you for your donations.

Link Deadline for December:  Send copy for the December/ January Link to:

link@timarupres.org.nz or drop into the Church Office by Friday 9 December.

Attention Eatwell Team:  Jot this date in your diary!  On Monday 12 December at 3pm, we will be gathering at ‘Benny’s Again’ for a Christmas ‘Coffee and Cake’ afternoon tea. Hope to see you there!

Eatwell Fruit & Vege Co-op:  Market-fresh fruit & vegetables.  Packs $15 or $10.  Text or phone 022 123 3663 or Facebook:

facebook.com/eatwelltimaru & message to order, for a pack each Thursday for pick up on the following Tuesday.

Christmas Carols in the gardens:  Thursday, 15 December 7 – 8.30pm  Free Admission.  Join us at the Rotunda, Timaru Botanic Gardens. BYO Seating.  Timaru Christian Ministers Association

Need personal prayer?  TPP Prayer Chain Branches:  Rosalie  684 5878, Heather  684 3847, or Marj 684 4953.  All requests  confidential.

Mission Magazine Updates:  Check out the magazine holder in Foyers for the latest


Feel free to take and read.

  • Samaritan’s Purse Gift Catalogue
  • Barnabasaid
  • Leprosy Mission Christmas Catalogue
  • Rhema Media

Mission Without Borders

Eatwell Bags: Are there any at your place?  If you have some please return them to the office. Thanks.

Changes of Address etc:  To help keep our records up to date, please advise the church office of any changes.  Thank you.

Mission Group—Women’s Refuge:  From this Sunday till near Christmas there will be a box in each foyer for Women’s  Refuge gifts. This organisation has said they would prefer something for 3 – 8 year old children, eg colouring books and felt pens / puzzles / toys and possibly children’s underwear.

New World Stickers for the Kitchen Glasses Rewards:  Family Works would be  appreciative to receive some tumblers for the refugees & clients.  If anyone has surplus stickers, please drop into the container in both foyers or drop them into the Church Office.  Thanks Dawn Ussher

Keep up to date with the latest information on our website:  www.timarupres.org.nz

Christian Superstore Timaru, 102 Stafford Street, Timaru  We have in stock:

  • Advent Calendars, specials on children’s Christmas books and Christmas CD’s and Christmas cards. Nativity sets are looking great both in the small and larger sets,   also giftware to celebrate the birth of Christ and our Gift from God.

We are open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and 10am to 2pm Saturdays.

Have you seen our Facebook page or our online website for christiansuperstore.co.nz.

Contact us by:  ph:  688 3431  fb “Christian Superstore Timaru” OR

Email: timarucbs@maxnet.co.nz

The volunteers at your local Christian Bookshop look forward to seeing you soon.

Christmas Angels:    Presbyterian Support are supporting vulnerable families in South Canterbury by a project called Christmas Angels.

TPP has been given the opportunity to be the Christmas Angel for a Timaru family of a grandmother raising 3 grandchildren. The granddaughters are 15 and 6 years and the grandson is 8 years old. For our Bucket Mission on 4 December we will be collecting your generous donations to enable the Mission Group to buy suitable vouchers and Christmas treats for each member of this family.

Janie Hart Travel Blog:  Janie is away on holiday for a couple of months.  If you want  to hear what she is up to, you can view her Travel Blog at:
middleeast2022-23.blogspot.com     (No spaces).

Live Streaming:  10.30am service at St Stephens

Giving  Everything that we have is a gift from God.

You can contribute financially in the following ways:

  • Cash or envelope in the offering plate, thanks.
  • Automatic Payment or internet banking – Acc no: 03-1714-0405434-01

Please use either your name or Envelope number as a reference.

Or if you have any queries, please email us at:  finance@timarupres.org.nz

Need more Offering Envelopes?  Contact the church office 686 0981

Categories: Weekly Notices