Thought For The Week 4 December 2022

This week I had the privilege of helping Andrea, Joy & Jo begin to decorate the windows of the St. Stephens foyer for Advent.
At first, I admit, I was a trifle curmudgeonly. “Why bother making all of this effort, when we’ll just have to put it away again in a few weeks?”
But, pretty soon, I began to get into the spirit of things – it became a lot of fun. There was creativity, laughter, sharing, and fellowship. A wonderful time, with a beautiful result.
The Christmas season has begun!
I wonder what traditions, rhythms and practices help you to awaken to the season, and open your heart to Emmanuel, God with us?
Perhaps, like me, you’re tired at the end of a year of unpredictability and stress.
Perhaps, turning your heart and mind towards the birth of Christ could be just the re-birth your spirit needs in this season.
I would encourage you, this week, to recall times and traditions that have turned your heart toward Jesus in Christmases past. As you re-engage in those moments, may you find the hope, peace, joy and love of Christ this Christmas.
Categories: Thought for the week