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Thought for the Week 23 October 2022

Spring has well and truly sprung!

Along with the flowers and the green buds, there are a number of fresh shoots beginning in our church life too:

  • Rhythm Kids began for the term last Tuesday, and as well as our loyal regulars it was wonderful to sing and play with some new families and a group from Hanan Kindy!
  • Eat Well has had a surge of new members
  • Our partnership with the Refugee Resettlement centre is expanding with new families arriving in the district
  • The raised garden beds have been installed at Trinity Community Centre as a first step towards our new community garden
  • Following our budget meeting in August, we have been blessed with a generous response in our giving

As we move through spring and begin to look forward to a new year in our church lives, what are you most looking forward to? What hope is God inspiring in your life?

Many blessings,


Categories: Thought for the week