Central Office: 349 Wai-iti Road, Timaru, 7910  Phone: 03 686 0981       Email: oneoffice@timarupres.org.nz


Parish Council Nomination Forms: These forms are on the table in the foyer. They must be completed and returned to the Church office by lunchtime on Wednesday 19th October.

A WORD OF ADVICE: If you have something that you would like discussed at the AGM onNovember 6, this must be sent to our Parish Clerk by the 19 October.

If you have an apology for the AGM this must be in by the 2 November. Thank you.

Reminder Buy and Supply has started for the season, and currently we are raising funds for Christian World Service’s Pakistan Appeal, for those affected by disastrous floods.

Morning Tea Helper needed:  The Rhythm Kids team are going to be a little short staffed for Term 4. We really need you if you could help prepare the coffee and tea for the adults and with the clean-up. You don’t need to prepare the food as we have four dedicated people to do that. Maybe there is more than one person who can respond to this request then you can take turns. There are eight Tuesday morning sessions starting on Tuesday 18th October.  10am start, enjoy the programme and leave by 11.15am. Could this be you? Please contact Helen Carter 684 6403 or 021 768 973.

Jam Session:  Please note change of Date—we will now meet on Wednesday, 26 October 7pm‑8.30pm at St Stephens.  If you play an instrument and would like to play in the music group, come along.   Contact:  Brent ph 686 1382.

Daffodil Pickers: A huge Thank You goes out to all those who helped with the picking, bunching and selling of daffodils from Pat Cartwrights property. Job well done to all. $600.50 raised .

Cooking Classes at Trinity Community Centre:  An exciting joint Community Outreach project with Family Works is about to begin. The purpose is to encourage young mums to cook economical and healthy meals for their families. Family Works are providing the funding for the ingredients and items needed to facilitate this project. A Presbyterian Support South Canterbury volunteer and myself are going to be the lead Facilitators. We would like another helper to be alongside us to assist. The classes are intended to be ongoing for different groups of women meeting one morning a week in four week blocks. Sharing and Caring will be at the heart of this project.

Are you a person who would like to make a difference in people’s lives? Please contact Helen for further information. 021 768 973 / 684 6403

Presbyterian Women Lunch Group:  Meets Wednesday 19 October at Wai-iti Road Worship Centre starting at 12.30pm with a shared lunch.  Sales Table will be operating.  Guest Speaker: Chris Thomas of Age Concern (formerly Senior Citizens and Volunteer Visiting Service) now   combined.  This will be the last formal meeting for the year with our Christmas Luncheon being held as usual in November.

Apologies or rides please contact:

Dianne 686 0440, Robyn 686 1948

Operation Christmas Child Boxes:  The date for collection of these boxes is today, 16 October 2022.  For further Information contact:  Judith 688 6004.

Food Bank Items:  Non-perishable food items are always a welcome donation.

Other suggestions from Family Works, are:

  • Shampoo, conditioner & Deodorants, for both men and women.
  • Hand cream and soap.
  • Items for children’s lunches may include: budget biscuits, muesli bars and small packets of potato chips that come in a large bag that include several flavours.
  • Spreads
  • 750g or less blocks of cheese.

TP Kids Playgroup: Thursdays 10am, Trinity Community Centre, during school term.  If you can help please contact Helen ph 684 6403 or 021 768 973.

Mission Magazine Updates:   Check out the magazine holder in Foyers for the latest


Feel free to take and read.

  • Mission without Borders
  • Barnabasaid
  • InTouch (The Leprosy Mission)
  • CBA News
  • Rhema Media

Community Lunch:  Tuesday 25 October St Stephens Hall 12 noon Cost $10 for 2 course meal payable at the Door.  To reserve your place Ph Bev 686 0858, Sid 684 3478 or the Office  686 0981.

Need personal prayer?  TPP Prayer Chain Branches:  Rosalie 684 5878, Heather 684 3847, or Marj 684 4953.  All requests confidential.

Live Streaming:  10.30am service at St Stephens


Categories: Weekly Notices