Welcome to our services today. If you are at the St Stephen’s site, you may notice some new faces around. We are hosting a group of Afrikaans speaking South Africans who will be using the lounge to access a live streamed service in their native tongue. We are trialling this for the next few weeks to see how it goes. There is no Aftrikaans speaking church in Timaru so this will be a unique opportunity for this community to gather for worship. Their service should be concluded soon after 10; please make them feel welcome.
Thank you for the vote of approval last week to undertake the insulation of the Trinity centre roof when the iron is replaced. As I mentioned this is a one off opportunity to get this done and will make a significant difference to the comfort levels within this building and the cost of heating it. The work is expected to commence 25 October and no doubt there will be some disruptions to activities. We appreciate your patience.
Our AGM is coming up on Sunday Nov 6. The deadline for nominations to Parish Council or extra agenda items is Wednesday 19th October- these need to be into the Wai‑iti Rd office before the close of business.
Nga mihi,
Categories: Thought for the week