Central Office: 349 Wai-iti Road, Timaru, 7910  Phone: 03 686 0981       Email: oneoffice@timarupres.org.nz

Weekly Notices 14 August 2022

Mission Project Money Raised:  Last week we raised $328.10 for our World Vision Sponsored Children.  Thank you all for your  donations.

Combined Service: At St Stephens 10.30am on Sunday 21 August, followed by a budget discussion.  After this stay for a PIZZA LUNCH to raise funds for Christian World Service’s latest project, which is the         prevention of exploitation of female workers in both work and boarding house situations in Sri Lanka.

COST : A donation.

College Road Roster for Sept/Oct/Nov If you are Not  available to do Roster duties on a particular date, please let me know  email: admin@timarupres.org.nz or ph 686 0981 before 17  Aug,  Thank you.

Presbyterian Women Lunch Group:  Meets Wednesday 17 August at St Stephens, in the foyer starting at 12.30pm with a shared Lunch. Sales Table. Guest Speaker: Ingrid Davies-Martin of the Timaru District Library speaking on the Services and Courses  offered by the Library to the Community. Apologies or rides please   contact Dianne 686 0440, Dawn 686 0595, Robyn 686 1948.

Journey 21:  Meets at C-Bay carpark, 9am, Sunday 21 August.  The theme for August is ‘We are Earthlings’.  All welcome.      Contact: Ellen ph 027 772 3146.

Bible Society Cheese-roll fund raiser Update:     

Due to some members having COVID, All cheese rolls are now to be made on Saturday 27  Aug ready for    distribution at church on Sunday  28.August    We will use Molenberg bread as a third   option, but because it is more expensive and there are less slices per bread, it will be $1 more per doz. Prices: Normal white or brown bread: $7 per doz, $25 for 4 doz; Molenberg bread: $8 per doz and $30 for 4 doz. If you are able to help in making the cheese‑rolls, we would welcome you from 9am on Saturday 27 August at the St John’s Church Hall, Wai-iti Road.  For more information ring Evi 684 5399 or email her on mama@newfrankland.org  Please order by Monday 22 August.

Plant Sale:  Saturday 17 September at St Stephens.  Now is the time to pot up those plants for the Plant Sale.  Contact:  Murray ph 686 1629.

Our sales table at St Stephens is working well making money for the Plant Sale. Can you help by adding a tray of baking, Jam or preserves. Price up and leave on table Contact:  Bev Ph 686 0858

Tai Chi:  Come and join in gentle exercise at St Stephen’s Hall, Thursdays 10.30am. All welcome. Ph: Michelle on 022 0523 810

Changes of Address etc:  To help keep our records up to date, please advise the church office of any changes.  Thank you.

Giving  Everything that we have is a gift from God.

You can contribute financially in the following ways:

  • Cash or envelope in the offering plate, thanks.
  • Automatic Payment or internet banking – Acc no: 03-1714-0405434-01

Please use either your name or Envelope number as a reference.

Or if you have any queries, please email us at:  finance@timarupres.org.nz

Need more Offering Envelopes?  Contact the church office 686 0981

Categories: Weekly Notices