Thought For The Week 25 July 2022

One of my favourite passages of scripture is Psalm 121:
I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord,
the Maker of heaven and earth.
Such beautiful words. I wonder if you’ve ever noticed the inscription at the beginning of this Psalm? “A song of ascents.” Have you ever wondered what this means?
For the faithful of ancient Israel and Judah, a highlight of their spiritual lives was to make the pilgrimage up Mount Zion to Jerusalem. People would make this pilgrimage for all sorts of reasons – some to celebrate, and some to lament. The birth of a new child, a coming of age, thanksgiving for a plentiful harvest, celebrating the Passover, confession, petition and lament. All the highs and lows of this life were brought to the feet of God in the Holy of Holies.
As the people made the journey up to Jerusalem together, with all of their mixed fortunes, they would sing together, encouraging one another along life’s journey.
Psalm 121 is a call and response:
Where does my help come from? // From the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth
He will not let your foot slip // He will not slumber
The Lord is your shade // the sun will not harm you
He keeps you from harm // now and forever more
In all of their joys and triumphs, the griefs and sorrows, the faithful encourage each other that the Lord is with them through all. A song of faith and faithfulness in the full breadth of life’s journey.
Let’s take inspiration from these words and encourage each other as we too journey through life’s trials and celebrations.
Categories: Thought for the week