Central Office: 349 Wai-iti Road, Timaru, 7910  Phone: 03 686 0981       Email: oneoffice@timarupres.org.nz

Weekly Notices 10 July 2022

Mission Project:  Last Sunday’s Mission Project raised $254.60 for Trinity’s Community Garden. Thank you for your  donations.

Next Sunday—17 July:  Combined Worship at 9.30am at Trinity.  All welcome.  There will be no service at St Stephens.

From the Mission Group:  Our very successful winter knitting project is drawing to a close. It will finish on the last Sunday in July (31st.) A big thank you to all the knitters of those beautiful woollies that have recently been on display in our church foyers.  If you have any spare brown paper bags with handles and without advertising,
Eatwell would really appreciate these. The bags can be left in either church foyer.

Bible Society Quiz:  Sunday 31 July at Wilson Street Baptist Hall, Wilson St. Start at 2pm. Cost: $5pp or $20 per family. Teams can have up to 6 persons. Afternoon tea  provided.

The Community Club:  Tuesdays, 1.30-3.30pm at St Stephens for Cards 500 and Indoor Bowls.  New members welcome. Contact:  Sid & Hazel 684 3478.

Plant Sale:  Saturday 17 September at St Stephens.  Now is the time to pot up those plants for the Plant Sale.  Please look around your garden (or your friend’s garden!) to find cuttings to pot up, so they can grow roots by 17 September.   Contact:  Murray ph 686 1629.

Journey 21:  Meets at C-Bay carpark, 9am, Sunday 17 July.  The theme for July is:  To be a Pilgrim.  All  welcome. Contact: Ellen             ph 027 772 3146.

Community Lunch:  26 July at St Stephens Hall 12 noon Cost $10 for 2 course meal payable at the Door.  To reserve your place Ph Bev 686 0858, Sid 684 3478 or the Office  686 0981.

Also Are you able to help in the kitchen 11am until 2pm.  Please contact Bev Ph 686 0858

Seeking the Christmas Cactus{Zygocactus}   Have you this plant in your house and can spare bits of it. This plant has become very popular.   I want to grow it for the PLANT SALE.  Contact:  Bev Ph 686 0858

Jam Session:  We will meet on Wednesday, 20 July 7pm‑8.30pm at St Stephens.  If you play an instrument and would like to play in the music group, come along.   Contact:  Brent ph 686 1382.

Tai Chi:  Come and join in gentle exercise at St Stephen’s Hall, Thursdays 10.30am. All welcome. Ph: Michelle on 022 0523 810

Refugee settlement :  If you have items to donate to the refugee families, arriving over the next few months, please phone Fiona or Wossen  687 1140. They will arrange a time to meet at Trinity Community Centre to store these items.  The most needed item at the moment is Net Curtains in various sizes. Thank you.

Covid 19—Symptoms:                  Fever                                       Cough

Tiredness                                         Loss of taste or smell             Sore throat

Headache                                         Aches & pains                         Diarrhoea

Rash on skin, or discolouration of finger or toes                   Red or irritated eyes

Serious Sympthoms:  Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

Loss of speech or mobility, or confusion                                         Chest pain

Seek immediate medical attention if you have serious symptoms.

What to do if you test positive:  We would ask that if you do test positive and have been at church or any group using our facilities that you please contact the church office so we can spread the word, stay alert to any symptoms and isolate cases as needed.

If you test positive for Covid-19:

· You must self-isolate and stay at home or your accommodation, unless a health professional tells you otherwise.

· You can only leave to get medical care or in an emergency.

· You cannot have visitors.

· Tell people you spent time with from 2 days before you started having         symptoms or tested positive.

Need personal prayer?  TPP Prayer Chain Branches:  Rosalie 684 5878, Heather 684 3847, or Marj 684 4953.  All requests confidential.

Live Streaming:  10.30am service at St Stephens

Giving  Everything that we have is a gift from God.

You can contribute financially in the following ways:

  • Cash or envelope in the offering plate, thanks.
  • Automatic Payment or internet banking – Acc no: 03-1714-0405434-01

Please use either your name or Envelope number as a reference.

Or if you have any queries, please email us at:  finance@timarupres.org.nz

Need more Offering Envelopes?  Contact the church office 686 0981

Categories: Weekly Notices