Weekly Notices 25 April 2012
Mission Project: The project for May is for Family Works—socks, gloves & slippers (these will go alongside the knitting project) Put your coins aside and bring along next Sunday , 2 May.
Financial Giving: As from June, Westpac will no longer accept cheques. If your donations are made by cheque could you please consider making arrangements with your bank for Direct Credit or Automatic Payments to be made. You could also use internet banking. Our account is: 03 1714 0405434 01 Please use either your name or Envelope number as a reference. Any queries see Ngaire Pearce ph 686 1834.
Community Lunch: Its welcome back time. We are ready to start our new season of winter meals. Join us on 25 May at 12 noon at St Stephens Church/ More details will be in our next Link. But for details in the meantime contact: Bev ph 686 1207 or the church office ph 686 0981.
Do your bread tags end up in the rubbish bin? Instead, help save the environment by dropping them in the designated jar in the foyer. Money raised will provide wheelchairs in South Africa.
Boys & Girls Brigade: Kindling available all year round, for sale $10 a sack. Contact Fiona 688 0375 or see me at church.
Daily Devotionals: Pick up your copy today from the Foyers:
- Our Daily Bread
- The Word for Today
Keep up to date with the latest information on our website: www.timarupres.org.nz
The Mission Group’s winter knitting project is now underway. It’s that time again to get those knitting needles clicking!
We plan to donate your knitting of beanies, slippers and fingerless gloves to Family Works, Hanan and Kowhai kindergartens.
In both churches there is a box of wool, and a supply of suitable knitting patterns.
Donations of any surplus balls of knitting wool would be really appreciated.
Need personal prayer? TPP Prayer Chain Branches: Rosalie 684 5878, Heather 684 3847, or Marj 684 4953. All requests confidential.
Live Streaming: Every Sunday morning at the 10.30am service at St Stephens.
Link Deadline: Please send copies for the May /June Link to: link@timarupres.org.nz or drop into the Church Office by Friday 7 May.
Christian Superstore Timaru, 102 Stafford Street, Timaru: Our next community movie night is on the 1st May at Wilson Street Baptist’s Lascelles Hall from 6.30pm. The movie of “Return to the Hiding Place ” is a biographical look at Dutch Resistance and Corrie ten Boom’s family’s support of hiding refugees. A great journey into the power of faith and commitment for God’s purpose. We recommend this movie for adults and mature audiences due to the images depicted within this WW2 movie.
Check out our stock in store and restore your soul with great studies, music and reflective gift ware. As always we thank you and value your prayers and support. Any questions please ask. Message us with orders or thoughts please. Contact us by: ph: 688 3431 fb “Christian Superstore Timaru” OR Email: timarucbs@maxnet.co.nz .
The volunteers at your local Christian Bookshop look forward to seeing you soon.
Alpine Presbytery Newsletter: Keep up to date on what is happening in our Alpine Presbytery. A few copies of the Newsletter are being placed on the table in Foyers each week. Pick up a copy, you might find something of interest in it. If you are not on our email list and would like a copy emailed, please contact our office ph 686 0981
All users of our Churches, Hall, Foyer, Lounge and Rooms at St Stephens and Trinity If you are the last person in your group to use the rooms, please make sure that the lights and heaters/heat pumps are turned off, and all the windows are closed.
Giving Everything that we have is a gift from God.
You can contribute financially in the following ways:
- Cash, cheque or envelope in the offering plate, thanks.
- Automatic Payment or internet banking – Acc no: 03-1714-0405434-01
Or if you have any queries, please email us at: finance@timarupres.org.nz
Need more Offering Envelopes? Contact the church office 686 0981
Categories: Weekly Notices