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Thought For The Week 11 April 2021

We welcome to our pulpit today Carolyn Cooper, who is the CEO of  Presbyterian Support South Canterbury who will be raising our awareness of the work they are doing in our community.

As a leader in the church, I regularly hear comments about what the church should be doing. For example; what is the church doing for the poor? Or the homeless? Or those in crisis? What are we doing to care for the elderly? Why doesn’t the church speak up more on social issues? To be honest these  questions can become overwhelming and the issues too great for our parish alone to deal with.

Which is why I’m so grateful for PSSC. I see their work as an extension of Christ’s ministry to a broken and hurting world. They work on the front line of the issues just mentioned and they do this in a professional and proficient way, meeting needs that we could never meet on our own. But they also need our help; some of the ways we help are:

provide rest home church services at Margaret Wilson and the Croft,

we supply weekly food hampers to the food bank

we regularly provide specific grants to Family Works clients on request (around $2000 per year).

So, we should be involved in these issues of felt need in our community and through our partnership with PSSC we are. I’m very proud of the way our congregation supports the work of PSSC and pray we will be able to continue this support for many years to come.

Nga mihi,

Categories: Thought for the week